
This old Tulo ad is too good (see what I did there?)

Andrew Stoeten
7 years ago

Photo credit: Nick Turchiaro-USA TODAY Sports
Tu-lo, too good? Get it? No?
Ahhh, nevermind.
Anyway, though in it he doesn’t wander though the Dufferin Mall or anything quite as mind-bendingly awesome as that (probably because he played for the Rockies at the time and wouldn’t have known what that was), a young Troy Tulowitzki sure has some wacky adventures in this ad for the Colorado Rockies, which was dug up by excellent Jays-related twitterer @leahflame.
Are you ready for some heavy Denver in the late aughts? Because get ready!
Where has this Tulo commercial been all my life? #BlueJays #Rockies pic.twitter.com/kFVdB8p6pa
— (((Leah Kessel))) (@leahflame) August 24, 2016
As always, GROF is way on point:
How can you pick just one thing, though!

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