
Watch Vlad Jr. smash his first two homers of the Dominican Winter League season

Cam Lewis
3 years ago
Thin Vlad’s Dominican Winter League season got off to a ho-hum start earlier this week. Through a couple of games, Vlad went two-for-eight with an error at third base.
But, on Friday morning, Vlad woke up and decided enough was enough and that he was going to kick the shit out of some baseballs. Let’s watch!
Check out Vlad’s first homer, which is honestly one of the hardest-hit balls I’ve ever seen. The sound that thing made, my goodness. Note the little bat flip and the subsequent slow trot around the bases.
And then there’s this second one. My title of ‘watch Vlad hit these two homers’ is a bit disingenuous because you can’t really watch the second one. You just see the ball leaving the park but, for whatever reason, the broadcast didn’t pick up his swing.
Hitting the ball in the air is much, muuuuuuuch better than hitting it into the ground!

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